[included as part of the Interview Information Form which identifies the project name, interviewer name, narrator name, length of interview, media, donor form signed, and if the interview was transcribed]
“This interview was recorded on August 12, 2005, as part of the Ace School Oral History Project. During the interview, Jane Doe, the narrator, a former student at the school, discussed the following topics:
This interview is one of 20 in the Ace School Oral History Project, a project of the Douglas County Historical Society. Narrators represent former students, teachers, school administrators, service personnel, community leaders and school board members. The interviewer is Mary Smith.”
If multiple people are working on the same project, use a “style guide” to ensure consistency: headers, font, format, abbreviations, capitalization, numbers
Always indicate change in speaker
Indicate time stamps at regular intervals, and when there is an inaudible portion
Whatever you do, be consistent
When in doubt, use Chicago Manual of Style
[1] Document Name: AA00062074.pdf o Doe_diario_1889_ss
[2] Document Location: UFDC https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00076547/00001/pdf
[3] BIBid (bibliographic identification): AA00076547
[4] Transcribers Note: This section should include all information, comments, or explanations about the transcript not found in the original text.
[inaudible 00:33:04]
[end of interview]
My grandfather is buried there [pointing out the window], under that oak tree.
I work in the DCC [Digital Collections Center]every day.
[crosstalk 00:04:45]