
Welcome to LAS 6292: Data Collection & Management for Latin American Studies. The menu at left includes links to the course syllabus, instructor contact information, the course calendar, and the reading/videos for each course session.

  1. Class will be meeting on the first day as scheduled. There are no assignments or reading that need to be done in advance of the first session.

  2. You will need a computer for this class. If you need to borrow one please let me know.

  3. The zoom link for office hours can be found on the class Canvas page. If you have any problems logging on you can send me a message.

  4. After the first session, most of the remaining weeks will have the following format:

    • Before class: Watch videos and read assigned texts introducing the session’s topic

    • During Class: hands-on work and in-class exercises to apply the lessons learned (with submission of some materials for review)

    • After class: finish any exercises not completed during class time, prepare for the next session.

    • Occasionally there might be some short lectures to better cover challenging material, and there are a few days where we will have a class discussion of the reading.

  5. I’ve tried to keep the time commitments, reading, and assignments to a minimum. The “weekly assignments” are actually designed to be completed during the class session.